No coding required
Skip the hassle of coding and easily convert your website into a mobile app today!
Approval Guarantee
100% ready for the Apple App Store & Google Play Store (or receive a full refund by claiming within 14 days after purchase)
Exceptional Performance
Smooth running apps, satisfied customers, better world. It's that simple.
Excellent Quality
Honored to be among the "12 Best App Templates of 2023"
Committed Support
We are happy to advise you for an optimal result of your app. Contact us anytime (24/7 Live Chat).

Wait, there's more.
100% Responsive

The WebViewGold app template is augmented for various mobile devices of all dimensions, so your mobile app is going to look striking on all smartphones and tablets.
Splash Screen & Loading Sign

You can choose to display your launch screen image until the web app is loaded, or a native loading spinner while loading your web content.
URL Handling & In-App-Tab

Open specific or all external website links in your main app view or an additional In-App-Browser tab or the iOS/Android System Browser. Everything is possible.
Media Downloader

Use the Image, PDF, ePub, Documents, and Music Downloader API to save files directly to the user’s photo gallery app or mobile storage.
File & Camera Uploads

The perfect use case for forms, upload plugins, or photo galleries in social media communities. Native experience, seamless upload.
Built-In Native Dialogs

“First Run” + “Rate My App” + “Follow On Facebook“ dialogs included. Setup takes just 10 seconds, and any JavaScript dialog works too.
HTML5 Audio/Video & Geolocation

100% support for every kind of website/web app, game, or high-end CMS. For geolocation, even without a second permission request if triggered via button/link.
Make Money With Advertising

Activate banner and/or full-screen ads by Google AdMob and Facebook Audience Network with a few clicks and monetize your app easily.
Built-In Native Dialogs

“First Run” + “Rate My App” + “Follow On Facebook“ dialogs included. Setup takes just 10 seconds, and any JavaScript dialog works too.
HTML5 Audio/Video & Geolocation

100% support for every kind of website/web app, game, or high-end CMS. For geolocation, even without a second permission request if triggered via button/link.
Make Money With Advertising

Activate banner and/or full-screen ads by Google AdMob and Facebook Audience Network with a few clicks and monetize your app easily.
Prevent Sleep Option

For some apps (like step-by-step recipe/cooking apps), it’s vital to prevent the device from going into standby mode. No problem, let’s keep the display on.
Pull To Refresh & Swipe Gestures

Navigation is a crucial part of usability; they make or break an app. Enable the built-in elegant navigation gestures for forward, backward, & pull-to-refresh.

Easily retrieve a non-personal, unique device ID (UUID / “Universally Unique Identifier”) via JavaScript that can be used to identify a device uniquely.